About Me.
(But really, It's All About YOU!)
Diabetes Coach and Nurse Practitioner

Nurse Practitioner
Health Coach
Diabetes Care & Health Transformation

As both a nurse practitioner and a health coach, I bring medical expertise related to diabetes management and coaching skills that help my clients make lasting habit changes. I offer one-on-one coaching programs that are tailored to fit my clients' needs, whether it's improving blood sugar, losing weight, controlling cholesterol, or having more energy to be more active.  

My Background 
Since graduating with a Master of Science in Nursing degree from the University of California, San Francisco I worked as a nurse practitioner in private Internal Medicine and Primary Care practices. I diagnosed and treated hundreds of patients with diabetes. This included teaching about diabetes, making sense of lab results, prescribing and adjusting medications, educating about nutrition, and preventing complications that go along with diabetes. In fact, patients with diabetes are my absolute favorite because they are often highly motivated to make changes to improve their health. 

I noticed that sometimes my patients would come back to my office saying that they knew what to do, but they just didn't know how to change their habits - or how to maintain the changes they made. 

I became a health coach to focus on how to change habits. Coaches are trained in numerous ways to facilitate change in behaviors and beliefs. For example, using motivational interviewing, I ask open ended questions to draw out your reasons for change, instead of telling you why you should change or trying to scare you into changing. When people change for their own reasons and on their own terms, they are more successful. 

Coaches also use positive psychology, which focuses on what is working and on making the most of your strengths, instead of rooting around for problems to fix. As your coach, I provide unconditional support without judgement. Your goals become my goals and I am in your corner as you get healthier. 

As a coach, I get to support you to uncover the beliefs and patterns that do not serve you and then help you find new ways to move forward towards the vibrant health you want to be experiencing instead. 

I no longer serve as a medical provider and do not prescribe or adjust my clients' medications or order their labs tests. I encourage all of my coaching clients to see their primary care physician and/or their endocrinologist on a regular basis. 

I use my medical experience to support my clients to carry out their doctors' care plans. For example, I explain how medications work, offer tips to minimize side effects, interpret their lab results, teach about blood sugar testing and target ranges, and help my clients advocate for themselves with their doctors. 

Most importantly, as a coach I have the time to answer all of the questions that your medical provider may not have time to answer, and I give you the personal attention and information that you need to be as healthy as possible with diabetes. 

I am part medical guide, part cheerleader and part tough-love mama. If you are feeling stuck and like nothing has worked to improve your diabetes and health, then I am here to help you see possibilities instead of obstacles and guide you to make gradual habit changes that work for your life. 

My mission is helping women with diabetes become experts on their own health. You will learn how to listen to your bodies, recognize real versus emotional hunger, nourish yourself with real food that balances blood sugar, and re-connect with your zest for life. 

Supporting women with diabetes find better health and, in turn, more meaning in life has been the greatest fulfillment possible for me as a coach and health care professional. 
My Education and Training
I mention these credentials to communicate how seriously I have taken my training. I have worked hard over the years to learn as much as possible about what it means to be healthy. I have gained a holistic perspective on health, encompassing mind, body and spirit. I am certified in esoteric forms of meditation and bodywork based in Taoist medicine, and I have been trained in providing medical care from one of the best institutions in the country. You get to benefit from my wide range of skills. 

Undergraduate Study:
Bachelor of Science in Speech.
Northwestern University.

Nursing Education:
Masters of Science in Nursing, Integrative and Complementary Healing. 
University of California San Francisco.

Coaching Education: 
Certified Health and Life Coach.
Health Coach Institute.

Healing Arts Training: 
Certified Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner, Universal Healing Tao, Chiang Mai Thailand.

I've Been There
Listen, I know what it feels like to have areas of my health in need of... ahem... improvement. I have a history of pre-diabetes and also have to be conscientous of preventing progression to diabetes.

My struggle with weight has led me to try all kinds of diets. I even lost over 50 pounds using the keto diet several years ago. BUT, I still remember the heartbreak I felt when I had added carbs back into my diet, and I stepped on the scale one day and realized I had gained back all the weight, and then some. I have finally learned that the answer is not another "diet". 

I also have an autoimmune condition called ankylosing spondylitis, which is a type of chronic, inflammatory arthritis. It took over eight years for me to finally get the diagnosis and treatment right. Believe me, it was not fun to live with the pain and physical limitations, without clear answers on how to feel better. I know what it is like to search for answers to complex medical problems in today's system.

But, with persistence, I have gotten a handle on my health. I manage my conditions with a well-rounded diet, regular exercise, mindfulness and relaxation, as well as regular follow up with my specialists. I found health coaching to be incredibly powerful on my own journey. Now, I give the benefits of coaching to my clients so that they too can feel better than ever too.

My family, my motivation, my everything.
My Services
My specialty is one-on-one coaching for women with diabetes. 

"Living Better with Diabetes in 90 Days" is my signature program tailored to help each woman get healthier - whether that is losing weight, lowering A1C and cholesterol, or just feeling better every day - so that they can feel more like themselves again and do the things they love with the people they care about.

I also offer an individualized coaching session called "Balancing Blood Sugar Made Easy" where I provide personalized advice to get you on the right track for improving your blood sugar. You get a taste of what working with me is like, and many clients go on to my signature 90-day program.

I am also available as a guest speaker for groups and organizations. I LOVE public speaking and educating people in a light-hearted way. I speak on topics such as Making Friends with Carbs, Kicking the Sugar Habit, Making Sense of Medications, How to Partner with Your Medical Provider, Breaking Down the Numbers so Your Glucometer Works for You, Stress Reduction for Weight Loss, Understanding Sugar Substitutes, How to Make Exercise Your Diabetes Jedi, and so much more. I would be happy to develop a talk for your group's specific needs. Just let me know what you are looking for! 


"I have type 2 diabetes and take insulin and other medications to manage my blood sugar. I did Coach Cindy's 90-Day Program to get healthier and lose weight. I loved the process and can't believe I did all this. After 90 days, my A1C is down from 7.9 to 6.4 and my weight is down from 238 to 224. It was easy. I never felt deprived, because it was simple little changes to a new lifestyle. I enjoyed what I ate and still lowered my numbers. I never want to go back to feeling gross and tired. In fact, I renewed for a second program, and I am learning even more about nutrition, exercise and how to win the game against my own Saboteurs. My weight is now down to 218. I have lost a full 20 pounds and people are noticing that my weight is down.  I feel like I carry myself with more confidence and don't have to filter my pictures anymore. I recently saw a full body picture of myself, and I wasn't ashamed." -Melissa K.

"I loved working with Coach Cindy. I learned to set goals and put myself first. I discovered that by taking baby steps, they become giant strides that make a big difference. I didn't expect to reach my exercise and health goals and it happened with starting slow and sticking with it. I learned lessons for improving my health and wellbeing that I can apply to other areas of my life.  Thank you, Cindy!" - Susan H.

"I learned so much about myself from working with Coach Cindy and the coaching really helped me. I actually quit smoking and improved my diet and exercise routine. I am going to hear her voice supporting me in my head and feel influenced by this process for the rest of my life. I feel better, have more energy and can get more done. I am no longer self-sabotaging. This process can be used across the board. You may be working on one aspect of your life, but the coaching helps all over your life. You can learn to make more conscious decisions. The program was not what I expected. Cindy did not beat me up or focus on the consequences. It was positive, non-judgmental and empowering. I am healthier now because of Coach Cindy." - Tamara F.

"Before working with Coach Cindy I was feeling lost as I struggled with staying committed to almost anything that I started. I had a lot of ideas and not much follow through which left me feeling very unfulfilled. We worked together to uncover what was truly holding me back from following through with decisions that I thought I had made! Cindy is so patient and kind. She took the time to help me feel understood and safe as I learned to be brave enough to actually ask for what I want... and receive it. This experience has impacted my life on all levels! Thank you, Cindy! " - Lisa E.

"I've had an exceptionally fantastic experience with Cindy's health coaching this past year.  She brought a really good balance of both nurturing and challenging, and always with a very compassionate and supportive voice.  She not only embodies a thorough understanding of the current sciences of health as a nurse practitioner, but also of many self-habits that undermine positive growth.  She guides you through a variety of steps individual to your own personal habits and needs resulting in guaranteed success. My initial goals were to lose weight and become more active. Cindy not only helped me with that, but she was also a Godsend because during the process I had to deal with family deaths, legal nightmares, severe anemia, anxiety and a broken arm to boot!  Her support saved me from all the stress that would have driven me mad on my own and could have fostered total alcoholism, depression, and excessive weight gain. Instead, I handled the stress with grace and still managed to lose weight. I am very grateful and would highly recommend her to all. I cannot thank her enough. I am forever grateful." - Margaret L.

"I completed the 90-day living better with diabetes program coach Cindy. I have known Cindy for many years as at one time she was my primary care Nurse Practitioner, where she always gave me the best care and feedback. I was very happy when I learned she had opened her own business offering coaching programs and jumped at the chance to take the 90-day program. Cindy is extremely knowledgeable. I have lived with diabetes for quite a while now and feel that I have been through so many different classes, doctor appointments, and books, and they always seem to have the same information and do not always help me. However, when I speak to Cindy every time I walk away with new knowledge or a tool that she has taught me that really helps me. She has given me a way to have a different outlook. She has ability to look at the individual and find their needs instead of making the assumption that everyone fits into the same plan, and it will just work for them. I learned so much about myself and gained important insight into what I used to call "blind eating". I now have tools to manage my emotional eating that help me keep my weight under control, instead of spiraling out of control. I would recommend this program to really anyone. Cindy is a breath of fresh air, and always has a smile on her face. She truly cares for her clients and wants to find the best solution for them. She is simply the best and I know because when she moved on from the medical practice that I met her in, I spent a few years trying to find someone like her and never did." - Laney Z.

"I worked with Coach Cindy to lower my cholesterol. I had such a good experience because I had fun, learned a lot and met my cholesterol goal! I recommend Coach Cindy to any woman who wants a little support on her health journey. You will not be disappointed." - Tasha C.

Get Started
with my FREE top tips to improve your blood sugar!