Do you feel like you know a lot about managing your diabetes, but you just can't seem to make changes to your lifestyle that last? Have you been able to adopt healthy eating or exercise routines for a few weeks, but then slide back into old habits that keep you, your weight or your A1C stuck? Do you ever wish someone would help you completely transform your thinking, level up your health routine and change your life? 

The solution is my 13-week, one on one, private coaching program where I take you through a journey of self and health-discovery to help you reach AND maintain your big health goals. I am a Certified Nurse Practitioner and Certified Health Coach, and I offer you my medical expertise in diabetes management as well as meaningful coaching support to help you get healthier and feel more like yourself again so that you can do more of what you love with the people you care about.

Here's how it works:

Step One: Design the Dream
We’ll start with a full health assessment to see what areas need more attention and care.  Right away, you'll have access to resources to help you lower your sugars. Then, we'll create a vision for your best, healthy self and uncover the factors that will keep you motivated to stick with your journey, even when it gets hard. Maybe you want to get better at preparing healthy, diabetic-friendly meals and making exercise a regular part of your routine so that you can be a role model for your children. Or, perhaps you want to lose weight without strict dieting so that you can keep the weight off for good. Awesome! We'll make a realistic plan so you can organize your days to easily incorporate new healthy habits. At the end of this stage, you’ll be ready to establish the healthy lifestyle you want so you can look and feel your best.

Step Two: Build the Tools to Thrive 
In this stage, we will dig deeper into the essential nutrition habits needed to catapult you toward your health goals without dieting, starving yourself or cutting out entire food groups. You’ll learn the best way to eat for diabetes and which foods give you high energy all day long. No more riding the blood sugar roller-coaster and compensating for afternoon sugar crashes with trips to the coffee shop or the fridge for a pick me up. You will discover how to listen to your body, recognize real vs. emotional hunger, and know when you are satisfied without stuffing or denying yourself. We will also develop a fun and healthy exercise routine you can do consistently that honors your mind and your body. The result? A healthy lifestyle you can maintain and no more fad diets that don't last.

Step Three: Level-up Your Inner Game 
Now we are ready to address the mental and emotional challenges that have stopped you from achieving your health goals in the past. Maybe there’s always something (anything?!?) more important you feel needs to get done instead of working out? It's ok! We’ll look at ways you’re sabotaging your success, how your thoughts may have served you in the past but now need to change, and how you can choose new approaches to support your goals. When late night ice cream comes calling or you want to skip your workout “just because” you will learn how to make decisions that keep you on track. As you begin to understand, recognize, and change the thoughts that have been driving your actions, we’ll also work on helping you manage stress so you can find your calm. You will be empowered to make new, healthier choices so you can do the things you love with the people you care about.

Step Four: Sustain Your New Normal
Finally, we will solidify how to turn these healthy habits into behaviors that last amid the challenges of daily life. Instead of missing meals or a walk after a bad day, we will lock-in the tools and tricks you have adopted to consistently eat right, enjoy movement, manage stress and maintain your new lifestyle. You will learn to deeply listen to your intuition, fully relax, recognize your emotions and follow your heart on what matters to you most. As you continue to learn about yourself and what works and doesn’t work for YOU, being healthy will simply become who you are and what you do, without feeling forced, stressed, or deprived. When you live this way, the lower A1C and more fit body naturally follow. Welcome to a new, healthier normal where you feel like yourself again, and have more energy for the people and things that you love.

Book a Call! We can talk about how to get you where you want to be!

Read what clients are saying about working with Coach Cindy.

"I completed the 90-day living better with diabetes program with Coach Cindy. I have known Cindy for many years as at one time she was my primary care Nurse Practitioner, where she always gave me the best care and feedback. I was very happy when I learned she had opened her own business offering coaching programs and jumped at the chance to take the 90-day program.

Cindy is extremely knowledgeable. I have lived with diabetes for quite a while now and feel that I have been through so many different classes, doctor appointments, and books, and they always seem to have the same information that does not always help me. However, when I speak to Cindy every time I walk away with new knowledge or a tool that she has taught me that really helps me. She has given me a way to have a different outlook. She has the ability to look at the individual and find their needs instead of making the assumption that everyone fits into the same plan. I learned so much about myself and gained important insight into what I used to call my "blind eating". I now have tools to manage my emotional eating that help me keep my weight under control, instead of spiraling out of control.
I would recommend this program to really anyone. Cindy is a breath of fresh air, and always has a smile on her face. She truly cares for her clients and wants to find the best solution for them. She is simply the best, and I know because when she moved on from the medical practice that I met her in, I spent a few years trying to find someone like her and never did. "
- Laney Z.

"I have type 2 diabetes and take insulin and other medications to manage my blood sugar. I did Coach Cindy's 90-Day Program to get healthier and lose weight. I loved the process and can't believe I did all this. After 90 days, my A1C is down from 7.9 to 6.4 and my weight is down from 238 to 224. It was easy. I never felt deprived, because it was simple little changes to a new lifestyle. I enjoyed what I ate and still lowered my numbers. I never want to go back to feeling gross and tired. In fact, I renewed for a second program, and I am learning even more about nutrition, exercise and how to win the game against my own Saboteurs. My weight is now down to 218. I have lost a full 20 pounds and people are noticing that my weight is down.  I feel like I carry myself with more confidence and don't have to filter my pictures anymore. I recently saw a full body picture of myself, and I wasn't ashamed."
- Melissa K.

"I worked with Coach Cindy to lower my cholesterol. I had such a good experience because I had fun, learned a lot and met my cholesterol goal! I recommend Coach Cindy to any woman who wants a little support on her health journey. You will not be disappointed."
- Tasha C.

"I loved working with Coach Cindy. I learned to set goals and put myself first. I discovered that by taking baby steps, they become giant steps that make a big difference. I didn't expect to reach my exercise and health goals and it happened with starting slow and sticking with it. I learned lessons for improving my health and wellbeing that I can apply to other areas of my life.  Thank you, Cindy!"
- Susan H.

"I learned so much about myself from working with Coach Cindy and the coaching really helped me. I actually quit smoking and improved my diet and exercise routine. I am going to hear her voice supporting me in my head and feel influenced by this process for the rest of my life. I feel better, have more energy and can get more done. I am no longer self-sabotaging. This process can be used across the board. You may be working on one aspect of your life, but the coaching helps all over your life. You can learn to make more conscious decisions. The program was not what I expected. Cindy did not beat me up or focus on the consequences. It was positive, non-judgmental and empowering. I am healthier now because of Coach Cindy."
- Tamara F.

"I've had an exceptionally fantastic experience with Cindy's health coaching this past year.  She brought a really good balance of both nurturing and challenging, and always with a very compassionate and supportive voice.  She not only embodies a thorough understanding of the current sciences of health as a nurse practitioner, but also of many self-habits that undermine positive growth.  She guides you through a variety of steps individual to your own personal habits and needs resulting in guaranteed success.

My initial goals were to lose weight and become more active. Cindy not only helped me with that, but she was also a Godsend because during the process I had to deal with family deaths, legal nightmares, severe anemia, anxiety and a broken arm to boot!  Her support saved me from all the stress that would have driven me mad on my own and could have fostered total alcoholism, depression, and excessive weight gain. Instead, I handled the stress with grace and still managed to lose weight. I am very grateful and would highly recommend her to all. I cannot thank her enough. I am forever grateful."
- Margaret L.

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 with my FREE top tips to improve your blood sugar!