Some Basics Every Diabetic Needs to Know

Carbohydrates, also called “carbs”, are a type of macronutrient in our diet. Carbs are the body’s main source of fuel. These are of very special importance to people with diabetes because carbohydrates are converted to sugar in the body and must be chosen very carefully.  There are three types of carbs.

A picture containing grassDescription automatically generated"Complex Carbohydrates" also known as "Starches" are made up of sugar molecules connected in long chains. Starches are easily broken down into glucose and quickly raise blood sugar. Examples of starches include starchy vegetables like corn and potatoes. Bread, rice, pastas and cereals also are starches. Overall, whole grain products are desirable starches because they contain fiber and protein that slow down their absorption and conversion to sugar.

A picture containing fruit, freshDescription automatically generated"Simple Carbohydrates" also known as "Sugars" raise blood sugar quickly and must be chosen very carefully in a diabetic diet. Simple sugars are simple glucose or fructose molecules and are found in vegetables and fruits. Fruits are sweet and raise blood sugar drastically. However, eating the whole fruit is better than drinking just the fruit juice. The whole fruit has fiber to slow digestion. Even so, whole fruit should be eaten in limited portions. Berries are a good choice of fruit for diabetics, however, because they are lower in carbs.  
Simple carbohydrates or sugars also include white table sugar, cane sugar, corn syrup, maple syrup, brown sugar, molasses, honey, juices, sodas, beer and wine. 

Fiber is a long carbohydrate molecule that cannot be completely broken down completely by the body. This beneficial carb helps us feel full, slows the release of sugar into our bloodstream, aids in digestion and lowers cholesterol. Fiber is found in whole fruits, whole vegetables, beans and whole grains. I think of fiber as a magical nutrient because it can slow down the rise in blood sugar when eating a meal. Have fiber with every meal and snack to maintain more level blood sugar levels.

Best Carbs for Diabetics: 
Yes, you should still eat carbs if you are a diabetic! The key is to pick carbs that are also high in fiber and/or protein or are digested more slowly, resulting in a more gradual rise and fall in blood sugar levels. Also, smaller portions may be necessary to avoid blood sugar spikes. Some of the best carbs for diabetics are:
  • whole grains in small portions (whole wheat, quinoa, barley, millet, brown rice, kamut, buckwheat, sprouted grains, steel cut or rolled oats)
  • non-starchy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, onion, asparagus, green beans, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, cucumbers, peppers, celery, lettuce, snow peas, eggplant, kale, chard, collard greens, arugula, berries (strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry)
  • beans (black, pinto, garbanzo, kidney)
  • lentils
  • Greek yogurt (plain)
Everyone is different, however, and what raises my blood sugar may not affect yours as much. The best way to know what works for you is to try different foods and test your blood before eating the food and 2 hours afterwards. If your blood sugar is over 180mg/dL after the meal, then that is too high and you likely need to eat a smaller portion of the carb or choose a different carb. Another sign that the meal spiked your sugar is if number 2 hours after the meal is 30 points or more higher than the pre-meal number. 

Want to know more? 
Then please take my coaching session about carbs ...

Expert Information to Improve Your Diabetes ~ Accountability to Keep You on Track ~ Results that Make You Proud.
"Carb Basics"
A private coaching session

Has eating with diabetes become maddening because eating "low carb" feels so restrictive? 

Have you resorted to eating platefuls of meat to avoid carbs and you miss the variety you used to enjoy? 

Or do you panic when eating out with friends because your blood sugars end up too high after you eat no matter what you eat - or don't eat?

Then it's time for you to take "Carb Basics" to understand all about carbs - the Good, the Bad and the Magic ones. I am a Certified Nurse Practitioner and Health Coach and can teach you all about carbohydrates and, most importantly, how to enjoy carbs without spiking your blood sugar or wrecking your A1C.

You’ll learn how to make food healthier choices that make you feel satisfied without following a restrictive diet that doesn’t work in the long run… all in under an hour.

How it works: Do a brief questionnaire so I can learn about your unique circumstances and preferences and then hop on a call with me.

At the end you will:

- Have 3 simple changes customized to your lifestyle to help you enjoy more carbs again.

- Know how to stop eating in a way that spikes your blood sugar and crashes your energy.

- Get specific, tailored-just-for-you steps to improve how you eat so that you can find joy in food again. (Don't worry one of these only takes 5 minutes!)

 "Carb Basics" is a one-hour, private coaching session that is available for $97.  

Book your "Carb Basics" session today to get on track to better health and get results 
in a way that’s easy and fun.

    Coach Cindy’s “Carb Basics" made knowing what to eat simple! She helped me get a better understanding of how to eat better and get healthier while still enjoying my favorite foods, like chocolate!  I felt comfortable sharing where I’ve struggled in my diet and learned three personalized eating tips, which I’ve already found super helpful. I’m actually excited now about taking better care of my health and enjoying everyday life."

Victoria S.

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